Ideal mind is devil’s workshop

The title is a very common proverb we all know. Today I thought of seeing it from a different perspective. Do any of us in this period of time even know what an ideal mind is? Our mind is always in a state of something called partially active. Ok..For example what do we do in our free time? It’s either Facebook or Insta or YouTube or Amazon prime or Netflix . Right?? A few years back we actually had free time. Atleast for few minutes. After dinner when we switch off the tv and go to bed, the few minutes before we fall asleep was ideal time. When we did not have any good programs in tv, we had free time. But now we actually have free time when the phone is dead and there’s no current. I even thought about writing this during one such time. What I felt was we are spending very less time thinking. I am not telling that we will all become Isaac Newton if we stop using phone. But ideal time helps us to self analyse ourselves. Ideal mind need not always be devil’s workshop. Sometimes great ideas are born during ideal times. These days we just scroll through news feeds or whatsapp messages and laugh at the videos people send us. We have lost ourselves trying to keep us occupied. Once in a while try doing nothing. May be it will bring us some peace and happiness. It’s just a spur of the moment write up. But I really wanted to put it down here.

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